December, 2014 Please pay attention to our latest publication Dr. Martin Kröll (Hg.) Europäische Arbeitsmarktstrategien auf dem Prüfstand mit einem Grußwort von Prof. Dr. h.c. Peter Hartz LIT-Verlag Reihe: Bildung und Arbeitswelt herausgegeben von Prof. Gonon, Prof. Rauner und Prof. Arnold Bd. 28, 320 S., 29.90 EUR, br., ISBN 978-3-643-12481-4 Kröll 2015 Europäische Arbeitsmarktstrategie auf dem Prüfstand Against the backdrop of high unemployment and limited financial means the EU is facing the challenge to select labour market strategies appropriate for different target groups. Different European labour market concepts are presented in the first part of the book. The authors suggest and discuss some useful instruments for different labour market strategies and introduce best practices.
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Some information about INKAS: The “Lohnwertmethode” (LWM, a method based on the value of wages) from the Netherlands, which has been applied already 4000 times, could be the key to less unemployment. The instrument to analyze and develop competencies should be transferred to six European countries (Germany, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Spain). The instrument is based on the principles of dialogue and the strengths of employees as well as workplace related individual competence development. Link to the project homepage in Adam This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Only the author is responsible for the contents of this publication (communication), and the Commission is not responsible for any further use of the information contained therein.