
Im Dezember 2014

Die topaktuelle offizielle Pressemitteilung der Ruhr-Universität zur Neuerscheinung des Buches Europäische Arbeitsmarktstrategien auf dem Prüfstand finden Sie hier:

Press release 13 June 2013

Here you can find pressreleases of the final conference of INKAS on the topic “European job market strategies put to test. Applications of work-related competence measurement instruments for the reintegration of job seekers”. It took place at the Ruhr-University of Bochum.

Project Newsletter

Press release on the Workshops

Workshop in Germany

Workshop in Spain:

Workshop in Hungary

Press release 18 October 2011

Job seekers: enforcing strengths, tapping the full potential
To learn from the Netherlands means to overcome problems of the labour market
Reducing public debt: RUB work scientists start new research project

Press release 01 October 2011